

If you are on the east coast right now, you're probably cold. It's been below 20 for the last couple of days, with a wind chill in the single digits. It is COLD. I guess if you're from Canada or Alaska you're rolling your eyes right now and going "poo poo, single digits, poo poo," but it's barely dropped below 40 for most of the winter this year and this feels absolutely frigid. Add in the fact that my workplace has no heat (that's right, NO HEAT), so I'm sitting here in t-shirt, a sweatshirt, a heavy coat, pants, thick knee socks, and boots, drinking my 4th cup of hot tea, and I can barely feel my toes. It's bad.

So of course I felt the need to doodle up what I feel like right now, which is pretty much like rigor mortis has set in. I've been having a lot of fun with color lately, trying to get out of the "normal realistic colors" box for everything. I like this palette and will be saving it for future use.

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